A Personal Panto | Mum In The Madhouse

A Personal Panto

My Sister in Law and Brother usually substidise a trip for the children of members of the club to a local Pantomime each year, but his has been getting more and more expensive, so for the first time this year, a local company, The Beverly Artistes came and put on a panto for the children in the Club.
What a sucess.  it was fantastic.  5 performers put on Cinderella.  The children loved it and all joined in.  The parents all joined in too and me and MadDad had a fantastic time.
It was great that the children could really participate, move around pretty freely and just enjoy themselves in a safe environment, all for a pound per person.
There were times when they were transfixed and times when they could shout loud enough or stop laughing.  It wasn’t too lewd, or high brow, it was perfectly pitched.
Then the children danced the night away. MaxiMad and My niece V had just the best time dancing together.
Both boys fell asleep in the car on the way home and haven’t stopped talking about their panto since.  Thanks Sis and Bro and cant wait for Aladdin next year!


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