Writing Workshop - Tainted Blood | Mum In The Madhouse

Writing Workshop – Tainted Blood

Mini sometimes I look at you and it is like looking at a mini me in the mirror.  My boy, you are going to have to learn to control that temper of mine that you have.  That boiling anger that I can see clearly inside.  You are going to have to grow and learn how to engage the brain, before putting the mouth in gear, learn to count to ten before erupting into the volcano of fury you can be.  It isn’t going to be easy, I have said some hurtful things in my time due to my bad temper, but one thing that being a mother has brought me is a modicum of patience.
Maxi, I see a lot of your daddy in you, your intelligence, you willingness and your kindness are all wonderful traits of your Father.    You also have your Daddy’s love of all sports and it is so lovely to see you get involved and enjoy being outside.
You both fill me with so much joy, you have the best and worse of the two of us and with that all the potential to be a unique individuals.  You can mould and sculpt the traits you have inherited and turn them in to something new, something special.   This is all in your hands, they are your choices to make.  All I can do is influence you to be the best you can.
There is something though that is out of our hands, that we have to leave to destiny, to fate and to this end I pray every night to a God that I am not sure exists.  I pray that you do not carry the same genetic “spelling mistake” that I do.  I have stopped trying to see who you most take after physically in the hope that I can not passed on my tainted blood, in addition to those wonderful brown eyes you both have.  
I hope that the small top lip you both have doesn’t mean that you too are susceptible to the genetics that have made me make the hard decisions I have.  
People often say “doesn’t Mini look like you and Maxi like his Daddy” and each time iIhear it, I cry a little inside.  I hope that looking like me, doesn’t mean that you too are sentenced like to to worry, wonder and pray.
This is my burden, mine and Daddy’s and we try and carry it with dignity and grace.  I graciously accept all complements about you both, for you are my pride and joy and together we will deal with what my tainted blood will bring.  I love you.
This post as wrote for Sleep is for the Week‘s writing workship, I chose promt 1. What qualities or traits do you think your children have inherited from you, you partner, or even from your extended family?
