Stepping away from this Blog with the Bad Stuff | Mum In The Madhouse

Stepping away from this Blog with the Bad Stuff

Over the last month or do, my mood and therefore, by blog has become darker and darker and that really isn’t what this blog was and should be all about.
 The boys asleep holding hands in our hotel in London (3rd July 2010)
So I have made a decision that I am going to go back to basics and use this blog to record what I do with the MiniMads over the summer, a journal if you like of our days and time together.  I may still do The Gallery and writing workshop (if appropriate).
Also summer holidays will be starting with a vengeance next week and I will have less time on the laptop, as I will be spending it with my children, therefore, I will have less time to visit all your wonderful blogs and comment.  Please bear with me.  I will try and read them, but may not have time to comment.
Thank you for all the comments regarding finding employment, firstly I am not cut out to be a child minder (I looked after a friends 22 month old yesterday and although it was OK, I couldn’t do it everyday – no way, plus until my anaemia and other issues are sorted, I don’t have the energy to give to my own children let alone others!).  Secondly I was in no way saying that my opinion was right, just that I want to spend time with my children, but last night MadDad and I made the decision that I may have to look for full time work (sad).
I have started another blog for my writing, musings and general moroseness here at Musings from TheMadHouse.
I have also decided that I am consolidating my reviews on to yet another blog TheMadHouse Reviews and will be reviewing for The Great Toy Guide and Mummy Reviews.
So thank you very much for all your comments and I do hope you stick with me over these coming months.  I really do appreciate all the comments every single one.
