The Tots 100 Bookclub - The Happiness Project | Mum In The Madhouse

The Tots 100 Bookclub – The Happiness Project

I love books…….. a lot.  I have a pile by my bedside, pile downstairs on the side table, in fact we have books in every room of the house.  There are some that I keep coming back to and others that I only read once.  Some that inspire me, some that evoke all sorts of emotions and some that take me places so exotic I can almost smell the frangipan.

Last month as part of the Tots100 Book Club  Becky from Baby Budgeting recommended The Death and Life of  Charlie St Cloud for me and I am really looking forward to reading it.  

Sometimes you stumble on a book that you wouldn’t normally read, but it comes at the right time and that is my book recommendation.  A non-fiction

 book that had a significant impact on me throughout 2011 (which was a hard year of firsts after the death of my mum).  The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  This is a thought provoking read, which helped me refocus on the things that matter and inspired me to try and find the small things that make me happy.

My well thumbed copy!

It is much more than a self help book, it talked to me in a non flowery way.  I stopped focusing on the negatives, leaving much more room for the positives.  As someone who has suffered with depression in the past and been through cognitive behavioral therapy it really compounded previous learning and enabled me to make practical changes.

I have learned that by doing good, you feel good.  That small changes, make big difference and that it is my right to be happy.

I want to recommend this book to my dear friend Kelly at A Place of my Own.  Kelly has been through her own challenges  and I hope that it manages to talk to her, the way it did to me and that it lights a fire in her belly, as she takes on new and exciting challenges.

Some info about the book club:
The Tots100 Book Club is where bloggers share their favourite stories. Every month, the Tots100 invites 10 bloggers to tell us about stories that have moved and inspired them – and to share their favourite books with a nother blogger. Each month, they’ll be publishing a round-up of the Book Club’s recommendations over on the Tots100 site, meaning you need never be short of great reading inspiration again!

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