Spring The Small Stuff - #S2S2D | Mum In The Madhouse

Spring The Small Stuff – #S2S2D

Shoulder to Shoulder to Day

Today I am I supporting the fab and inspirational Emma from Crazy with Twins who is beating thyroid cancer.  I am proud to say that I have met Emma and she is a wonderful person, who is dealing with the challenges this battle brings her in as much of a positive way she can.

I took a look at Emma’s Blog yesterday and it had the BEST news ever, her body has shed the radiation so fast she can now cuddle her children again and they can continue being a regular family (well as regular as you can be with twins and an illness).

However, I am aware that the results of the treatment will not be know for the next six months, but I also know that going through something like this can change your outlook on life and give things much more clarity.

My experience has taught me to find joy in the everyday.  To make the most of the small things that help me get through each day and then to find three things at the end of each day that I am grateful for.


Spring The Small Stuff

The smell of freshly cut grass. The sound of all the local lawn mowers on a Sunday afternoon. Listening to the shouts and giggles of children playing outside.  W watching the seeds we planted start to sprout.  Earthing up the potatoes.  Using up the last of the kale by making homemade kale chips.  Lighter evenings.  Waking to the sound of the birds singing.  The boys running in after school and then running straight out again to play with their friends.

Wild Garlic and Bluebells.  The leaves on the trees all being green.  Blossom on the trees.  Cherry blossom on the floor like confetti.  The whole family washing the cars together.  Theme parks in the sun.  Sand in my toes and sun on my back.  Spring tides and large waves.  The promise of more to come.

Washing blowing on the line.  less ironing.   lighter weight coats.  Putting away all the winter hats, scarfs and gloves and getting out the sun hats.  Rubbing sun cream on to the soft, soft skin on my children.  Sewing later and longer thanks to natural light!  Watching Dr Who together as a family.  The anticipation of camping trips.  Day trips to the seaside.  Icecreams.  The sound of the ice cream van.  The smell of BBQ’s.    Spring Birthdays.  Mothers Day.  Fathers Day.

Finally learning how to crochet (fourth time’s a charm).  Buying fabric for new quilts.  Finishing existing quilts.  Plotting, planning and designing new quilts.  Going to my sewing lessons.  Plucking up the courage to go to the WI!  Watching my children take turns at cooking.  Eating child baked cakes.

Waking up next to the ones I love.  Hands to hold. Comfortable silences.  Laughing at bad films and enjoying good films.  Family movie nights.  Board Games.  Bruised little legs in short trousers, especially school shorts!  Early nights in fresh bedding.  Good books.  Washi tape. White Walls.  Yellow.  Daffodils.  Tulips.   Good tea from china cups.  Good friends.  Great family.

Reading books out loud to my children.  learning something new.  Challenges.  Even more yellow.  Craft swaps.  Writing letters.  Receiving letters.  The sun.  Scented candles.  Pims in the garden with my family.  Instagram.  Pinterest. Blog comments.  Being able to wear standard sunglasses. The fact that I impress my children that I am not scared on roller coasters.  My boys telling jokes that are funny and make sence (it has been a long time coming). Discovering new music.  Family excursions.

little things

Whilst I was browsing blogs last night I saw this print from Hello Little Fox on Attic 24 and just had to purchase one.  As it encapsulates everything I was trying to say.

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