Bittersweet | Mum In The Madhouse


its a trap

I long to shout at the top of my voice as they scoot away down the road “Don’t’ grow up, its a trap”!

I catch my breath as I measure their feet Adult size three’s, only two shoes sizes under mine.

I smile at the fact that they still want to go to the park to play and not just “hang out”

Summer days are filled with friends, street cricket and scootering

Scuffed knees still require a platter and a kiss from mummy to make them all better

Summer mornings and we are all to be found snuggled together in Mum and Dad’s big bed. I breath them in and inhale every part of them and my heart skips a beat.

I made these boys.

I am giving them roots so that they can grow wings.

I am not raising boys, I am growing men.

And I am not going to wish away a single day.

Oh the first day of school is such a bittersweet time.  I LOVE spending the summer with my boys, they can be challenging, funny, argumentative, daft, silly, amazing and are great company and most definitely loud.  I know that they want to get back to school, to their friends and to an environment that they love, but I miss them, however, that first cup of tea in silence is heaven!

The days are long, but the years are short.

So make sure you make the most of this time by giving them an extra soft cuddle today and embracing the #PowerofSoft with Fairy.
I would love to know how you let your kids show they individualism.

THe Mad House


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