Dear so and so, the hospital edition | Mum In The Madhouse

Dear so and so, the hospital edition

Dear morphine

Thank you for being around every two hours to help take the edge of my pain, but I have to say that I currently hate you for bunging me up and making me worry more about my toilet habits than is normal for a grown woman.

Yours a whoop I have had a bowel movement Mad


Dearest Maxi and Mini

I know that mummy was only supposed to be in overnight, but things can change at the drop of a hat, I would have loved to have attended your fashion show and sports days, however, have not been well enough. I have been so proud of you when you have visited and I all loved the video messages you send for me.

Love Mummy


Dearest School

Leaving a note on the classroom door the day before sports day does not count as sufficient notice to enable MadDad to get the time off work.

Please sort it out.

a frustrated parent, Mad


Dearest Husband

You surly do know the way to my heart is by turning up with a flask of hot water, china teacups and good quality tea. You made my evening, especially as I wasn’t expecting you to visit.

Your loving Wife, Mad


Dearest mum

I am not sure I have words to let you know he much I miss you at the moment. This is my first time in hospital without your support and it is so hard not to have you by my side or even worse know that you are not at your grandsons side either. I wish with all my heart we would turn by time, but we can not, so we are all getting though each day in any way we can.

Your daughter Jen


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