Dreamy Meme | Mum In The Madhouse

Dreamy Meme

I have been tagged, second time this week on a meme from Josie at Sleep is for the week, which was originally started by Zooarcheaologist .  You have to write about your dream.  Well I dont really remember the dreams I have when I am asleep, so I though I would write about my dream for my life.
Happiness, just happiness.  This is what I want to make my world go around.  I wish for days where the light shines through my windows in a way that it makes everything luminesce and hides the dust rather than emphasising it.  Where the dawn brings the sound and laughter of my favourite boys.  The first wonderful moments of the day when you are neither awake or asleep, but aware of two small warm forms snuggling up beside you, weaving their hands into yours.  The realisation that there is no pressing need to get out of bed and to be able to enjoy waking as a family.
My dearest would bring me a steaming mug of tea to the bedroom and the four of us curled up reading books, my day would start and end with books and my family.  Of poached eggs on muffins, of talk and chatter round the dinning table of what the day will bring and where it will find us.  Often on the beach, either wrapped up warm and sung or running in the waves with the edge of my skirt damp from the salt water.  No care in the world my children run free like a kite in the wind tethered to the earth by a strong maternal rope.  I am the binding that holds us together, MadDad the wind powering our dreams.

I dream that my life continues and that my children can be children and we can enjoy the innocence in all its glory.  I dream of a life filled with sticky buns, lemon top ice cream, cherryade and sherbet dib dabs in the summer and of hot chocolate, toasted teacakes, apple pie and custard through the colder months.  Of Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and Tolkien, of days spent in museums and art galleries and days spent at the moors and beach.  A simpler life, with less hustle and bustle and the emphasis on family values.  Visits to the local independent cinema and a ban on shopping on a Sunday.  To being a parent watching from the sideline on those Saturday morning football games and sweating in the humidity of the viewing gallery of the local swimming baths.
Of growing old with my best friend and soul mate, reviewing our life together and reminiscing in all the joy and happiness we have shared.  Being proud to have got through the hard times, not to regret, but to have learned from them to see the wonder in small things, the good in everyone and the potential to shape your life and the lives of the people you love. 
I dream of being a positive force in the lives of the people I love.  I dream of bring up to good men and of all the wonder we have yet to experience with them.  I dream of being the best I can be.
Now I forgot I am supposed to tag five people (I am new at this lark, so bear with me) so I am going to tag the following, who can either write 5 things that they are proud of themselves for or a dreamy meme:
Penny at The Hen House – I am very envious as Penny is getting her girls soon.
Insomniac Mummy (especially relevant as it is 2am)
Liz at Voilet Posey

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