Frequent Flyer | Mum In The Madhouse

Frequent Flyer

As you may know I live by the Fly principal for all my cleaning and lots of other things.  You may have fell into the trap of thinking that I enjoy cleaning or have a sparkling clean house and I felt the need to put you right.

I HATE cleaning and use this system to be able to get by and ensure that the house is in some semblance of order.  After having two children in less than 15 months you can understand that cleaning was not anywhere near the top of my priority list, but then we moved house and I decided that I needed to do something out this.

So I stumbled along Fly and have found it works for me.  I need to look past a lot of the schmaltz and self-loving stuff, but once I did it was a revelation.  I did the baby-steps initially and that helped me clear a lot of my clutter and also develop a morning and evening routine, which works for me and my family.

What I love about it is there is minimal effort for maximum return.  I am never hopping about trying to find something in the morning and guess what – It has made this first week of DS1 going to school so much easier.

We get out his uniform the night before and lay it out downstairs, so that he can pop it on after breakfast.
My clothes are always laid out too.
Anything I need first thing is sorted.

Things are much calmer for us all.

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