How do you perceive me? the one word Meme | Mum In The Madhouse

How do you perceive me? the one word Meme

Michelle from Mummy from the Heart has tagged me in her one word meme  “how do you perceive me?”  I have thought long and hard about doing this over the weekend, as I am not one who looks for other people to validate my opinions of myself, much less the online and mummy blogging community.  Reading that back it might sound a little harsh, but it isn’t meant too, it is just the fact that I place a lot of value on the people who know me opinion and I have also had a recent experience of someone commenting on my blog, who felt that I came across as a blagger, who was commercially driven and needed to get out more!

But I have decided to throw caution  to the wind and take part, as I am willing to take the rough with the smooth.

So in the comments below, please tell me what word you think best describes me.  Please be honest, I can take the good with the bad!

I am also supposed to tag some other bloggers, so I would love to see the following people do this.  If you do do it, then can you link back to Michelle’s original blog post.

The Apprentice Housewife

Crystal Jigsaw

Plus 2.4

The Babbling Mummy

All Baby Advice

Violet Posy

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