Make Spring Cleaning a Family Affair | Mum In The Madhouse

Make Spring Cleaning a Family Affair

It’s that time of year when we perform the exasperating task of preparing our homes for the spring. From shooing away dust bunnies to taking an inventory of your spring and summer wardrobe and picking out pieces to donate or give away, spring cleaning consists of many ‘must-do’ chores in order to prepare your home for the upcoming season. As difficult as it is to get ourselves motivated and actively cleaning, it’s even more knackering trying to get your family to chip in; particularly the little ones.

Face it, the last thing a kid wants to do is clean up, especially if it involves getting rid of some of their prized possessions (even if they haven’t touched them in years). You can still clean house without it ending in tantrums and tears by following these simple tips.


Leave Those Tricks Up Your Sleeve

While we all tell our children little white lies every now and then, it’s best to avoid deceiving your little ones or conning them when it comes to getting them to help around the house or do chores. While it’s best to be truthful with your children about spring cleaning, you should also use a little charm and finesse. Ask or invite your wee ones to help you as most tots love being helpful and beam with pride when they’ve done a good job. Keep this in mind when you and your kids are going through their toys, games, and clothing. First, explain to them why you need to purge your home of some things that are old or no longer used. If you are donating some of their possessions, discuss with them the importance of giving their old things to other children who aren’t as fortunate as they are. Next, let them make a pile of items they want to keep and those they can part with or no longer use for items that are in dispute, make your children justify why it’s necessary to keep them. In keeping with these tips, you’re sure to have enough drawer and closet space ready for those spring and summer clothing pieces from Marks and Spencer.

Have Some Fun

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a bore. Make a game out of cleaning with your children. Split your family into teams and assign them each a task or area to clean. Whichever team finishes first (and does the best job) wins a special treat. Turn spring cleaning into a scavenger hunt of sorts by hiding clues in places that need to be cleaned or organized, such as toy chests and closets. Again, be sure to reward your kids for participating and a job well done.

End With a Family Celebration

Treat the entire family to a night or day of fun after your spring cleaning is finished. Have a pizza night filled with games and sweet treats, or take your family out to a fun, themed restaurant, specifically designed for the kiddies. Even a simple activity like a family day of exploration at a nearby park or a nice picnic is an excellent way to commemorate your family achievement. And, in rewarding your children for their assistance and cooperation, you’re not only letting them know that you appreciate their efforts, but you are encouraging and reinforcing positive cleaning habits.


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