Removing Red Wine Stains | Mum In The Madhouse

Removing Red Wine Stains

OK So the irony isn’t lost on me.  Posting a sponsored post about removing red wine stains the day after a fab Tots100 twitter chat on Children and Alcohol.  but I can assure you it wasn’t me drinking the stuff.  No MadDad was having a very rare glass after nearly getting stuck on Newcastle during the apocalyptic #toonfloods!

Now we have hard floors downstairs and I have never had to remove a red wine stain before, but I walked past him and spilled it on our rug.  So it was time to hit google and get stain removal tips more specifically how to remove red wine stains

Initially it is important to mop it up and blot the carpet or rug with a paper towel or towel.

Now is the time to use a carpet stain remover if you have one, if not there are a host of other suggestions on the web.  Thankfully we had some stain remover in the cupboard of doom under the sink!

  • Use a purpose made stain remover such as Vanish, as it is designed to effectively remove the stain.
  • Use white wine on the red wine stain
  • Use soda water to remove the stain
  • Use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda (wet and blot with the peroxide and then use the baking soda)
  • Salt, apparently can be poured on the stain until you decide what action to take as it is supposed to stop the stain setting
  • White vinegar should help remove the purple colour and then washing up liquid to help remove the rest of the stain
  • Some people have used milk!  However, the smell of stale milk is just horrible and I would never ever use it.
  • Shaving foam worked in to the stain and then blotted
  • A paste of bicarb of soda
  • Vodka on a dry stain

I would love to know your tips on removing red wine stains.

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