Spring clean the clutter | Mum In The Madhouse

Spring clean the clutter

The sun perhaps popped it head out from behind the clouds today, enough to make me see just how dirty my windows were!

However, before I start on the epic spring cleaning, it is time to declutter.  Firstly I see no point in cleaning around clutter, secondly that clutter might make me some cash on somewhere like Gumtree (where it is free to list and sell items) and lastly a tidy house always means a tidy mind for me.

So now is the perfect time to have a clutter clear out.  Firstly you have to find a system that works for you. But I have some ideas for you below.

    1. I love this storage for transient items from The Red Chair Blog.  It is the perfect way to store items until you have enough to make it worthwhile doing something with.  Mine would read Donate, Sell, Recycle and Toys.  I am on the look out for a similar wire rack or bookcase for our garage space.  By keeping toys out of sight you will truly see if children play with them.
    2. Get your children involved in clearing their toys.  Have an agreement where they get 50% of any money you make from selling them or let them donate ones to people less well off.  It is a great way to learn about charity.
    3. Let go of children’s artwork.  If you realty attached to it, then take a digital photo of it to display in a pocket system or recycle it to make cards or recycled art bookmarks.
    4. Work clockwise round a room from the door.  This way you are going an an organised manner and if you have to stop then you know where you are up to.
    5. If you are unsure of getting rid of something, then ask yourself if you have used it in the last year?  If you haven’t then why not part with it.
    6. When it comes to children’s clothes, why not have a swapping party with friends who have older and younger children.  That way you will all get something new out of it.  You could always do this with toys and books too.

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