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Driving in France Checklist

Unlike the UK the use of child car seats is not determined on height but on weight. Under French law, children up to the age of 10 must travel in an approved child seat or restraint.

Group 0: < 10 kg Rear-facing child seat placed either at the front passenger seat or at the back seat (if placed at the front, the airbag must be switched off). Babies can also travel in a carry cot (this can be placed at the rear seat only). Group 0+: < 13 kg Child restraints in this category are slightly bigger versions of those in Group 0. They must be installed under the same conditions as those in Group 0. Group 1: 9 - 18 kg Child seat with a harness or a protection tray. Group 2: 15 - 25 kg Booster seat or cushion with an adult seatbelt. Group 3: 22 - 36 kg Booster seat or cushion with an adult seatbelt

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