That Back to School Feeling | Mum In The Madhouse

That Back to School Feeling

The boys have returned to school and Preschool today.  In the two child free hours I get, I was planning to take down the decdorations that are outside, but this is what the conservatory looked like at lunchtime today!!
I also failed to get to the bank to get the cash for MaxiMads dinner money and as he went to school in his shoes he wasn’t allowed to play out in the snow – hmm I think that I kind of failed at being a great mummy this morning!
I was going to bring the Bin in once I got the boys home from school and bunkered down for the evening, but this is what it looks like outside.  So it can wait for MadDad coming home from work.

Yep our road is lethal, the frost has started already and we are forecast snow tonight and heavy snow on Wednesday.   MadDad got new tyres for his car today and will be taking mine tomorrow for new ones.  An expensive start to the month, but needs must!
I have a sausage casserole bubbling away, candles are lit and the house is all warm and cosy.  I have got the boys wellies, waterproof trousers and snow mittens (Tchibo 2 years ago) ready for the morning.  I will do better.  I will also get MadDad to pop to a cash point on his way home or write a cheque for the months school dinners!
Now where did I put MaxiMads homework book…….


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