Kids in the kitchen. My top tips for baking with boys! | Mum In The Madhouse

Kids in the kitchen. My top tips for baking with boys!

I say boys, but really these tips are great for baking with any child.  My children have been helping me in the kitchen from when they could sit in a high chair.  I tried to involve them from a young age, even if it was just giving them some pastry to play with.  I wanted them to feel comfortable in the kitchen and be involved in preparing their food.

Baking is a great exercise for children, it involves lots of different skills such as reading recipes, measuring and weighing ingredients, following instructions, motor skills (mixing), measuring time and also is a great way to connect them with the food that they eat.

Mini Baking

Tips for cooking with younger children


  1. Write out the recipe in simple words and laminate it.  Even if they can not read it is great to show them the recipe.
  2. Get out the ingredients first
  3. Put everything at their level.  We used to work at the kitchen table as it was the perfect height for them.
  4. Get child sized implements
  5. An apron that fits them is great too.
  6. Be prepared for mess, but hey you can clean it up!
  7. Simple recipes are best, try one only a few ingredients first

maxi cooking

Tips for cooking with six plus children


  1. Let them chose the recipe and check if you have all the necessary ingredients.  If you are out of any then they can write a shopping list and go shopping with you for them
  2. Encourage them to read the recipe and do the weighing and measuring themselves.  We found that having electronic scales that also can be used for weighing liquid were ace when they were younger.
  3. Be prepared for the finished product not to look like you think it should. This is their project not yours.
  4. My boys have a step that they use so that the kitchen counters are a good level for them, but still mix on the kitchen table.
  5. Encourage them to clean up their mess.
  6. There is nothing wrong with packet mixes.

Great recipes for kids


Shortbread, oat and raisin cookies, gingerbread, three ingredient cookies, rice crispy cakes, Spelt banana bread, banana muffins and pebble cookies.

What is your favorite recipe for cooking with kids?  If you have blogged it then please do join in and add it to the linky below.

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