Creating Independence in kids - Solar Buddies Review | Mum In The Madhouse

Creating Independence in kids – Solar Buddies Review

Creating Independence in Kids – Solar Buddies Review is a collaborative post with Solar Buddies. I LOVE Solar Buddies and was delighted when they contacted me as I have used them in the past with my own children and bought them for friends little ones starting school.

 love things that create independence in kids and allows them to look after themselves. Solar Buddies easy, mess-free and independent way of applying suncream.

Creating Independence in kids

I love things that give children independence and allow them to look after themselves in a safe way. Solar Buddies easy, mess-free way of applying suncream for kids. One of my children hated applying suncream as they didn’t like the feel of it on their hands which is why I bought a Solar Buddie in the first place.

As parents, we know the importance of applying sunscreen on our children and when my children were in preschool and nursery I used to pop it on before they went to school (and every day try and explain why we need to apply it) and then put it in their bags in the hope that they would reapply themselves as their teachers were not supposed to apply it, especially as guidelines recommend reapplication every two hours.

Solar Buddies takes care of that as they are so easy to use. They are like a roll-on but with a sponge part to help apply the cream. They are such a child-friendly way of applying suncream. From my experience, they took away my need to nag the boys’ to put on suncream. Not only do they learn to apply sunscreen but it also creates independence too.

You fill your Solar Buddies with sun cream (I am a big fan of Childs Farm, La Roche-Posay, Lidl and Aldi suncreams). Ideally, you need a medium thickness cream. Fill the Solar Buddie and then hand it over to your child. They use the rollerball to apply the scream and the foam/sponge area allows the to rub it in.

The applicator is stubby and easy for little hands to hold. Plus the best thing is they don’t have to get suncream on their hands at all. This means that children actually use it.

5 activities to show children why they need to wae sun scream. I love things that create independence in kids and allows them to look after themselves. Solar Buddies easy, mess-free and independent way of applying suncream.

5 Activities to show children why they need to wear sun scream