Keeping it real | Mum In The Madhouse

Keeping it real

There has been a bit of a theme out there in blog world about keeping it real, about blogs only showing the glossy and best bits.  I am not sure I agree with this and actually think that a lot of British Blogs are very honest in their dark sartorial, sarcastic type of way.
I think that my blog a bit like real life has a way of bringing me back down to earth with a bang.  I use my blog mainly as a record of my tiny mind and things that me and my boys have done.
I was all set to spend some time this afternoon doing a post on my holiday traditions and some up and coming projects and craft ideas and discuss the thing that you would need to get, but then bang…..
Firstly let me explain a little more, Thursday is shopping day, me, mum and the minimad tootle off to Aldi and then to the cheapo shops on the high street (well that is all there is now, that charity shops and empty boarded up windows) and then I come home, put the shopping away, lunch with mini and do Preschool Drop off.  It is the only afternoon that I keep for myself, to have a pot of tea, made with tea leaves and either spend time reading or on my PC.
Today didn’t go to plan.  Mini broke his specs in the car on the way home from the shopping trip, hence play hunt for the spare pair only to find them sat in the case, you guessed broken.  So I botch a pair out of the two and off we rush to preschool shopping still in the boot of the car.
I come back home and decide to put all the shopping away and then have my “me time”, hmm.  It was pickles that were on special this week at Aldi, so I bought some pickled beetroot and onions and as I was taking them across the kitchen, I dropped them.
OMG both bottles smash and it was carnage, it looked as though someone had cut an artery and sprayed my kitchen in blood.  A fowl smelling vinegary blood at that.
It took me nearly 2 hours to clean the bloody place up.  It gets everywhere, little balls of beetroot and great big pickled onions, vinegar up the skirting, kitchen cabinets, fridge, freezer, all over the word whammer and the alphabet magnets, stainless steel kitchen bin – covered.  Even the cat didn’t escape scot free, his beautiful white coat was pink on his feet and his water and food was full of debris. 
I swept, mopped, wiped and sweated and just as I was putting the mop and bucket away……….I slipped and landed slap bang in the middle of the floor on my arse.  I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, thankfully it was hysteria that took over and I couldn’t stop laughing. 
I then look at the clock on the cooker in passing and realised I was late to collect the mini’s from school.  So I dashed (in my wet trousers) to school to collect the boys and when I got minimad he had broke the spare (but mended) pair of specs.  So we had to make a trip to the opticians too.  Now I must have looked a little worse for wear by this point, as they made me a cup of tea whilst they repaired one pair of specs and did their best with the second pair.
So I didn’t manage to get my me time, or prepare any blog posts, or put things on ebay or even have my special pot of tea made with tea leaves and drank hot whilst listening to radio 5 live, but I have cancelled my appointment for tomorrow afternoon and plan to do just that then.
The pictures have nothing to do with the post, but they make me smile as they are of that super South Africa Trip and I promised Baby White Bengal Tigers

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