Making Magic with Innocent Kids | Mum In The Madhouse

Making Magic with Innocent Kids

We were challenged by Innocent kids to reproduce a magic trick from the back of their Kids Juices packets as part of their magic circle.  There are seven #innocentmagic tricks and seven of the Innocent gangs favourite bloggers have been chosen to perform.

We were sent a sample of Innocent’s new juice flavour tropical, which both the boys loved.  Mini isnt a fan of orange juices, but really likes the tropical flavour, which is a blend apples, oranges, pineapple, mango and passionfruit and even better it has no bits, so no funny faces!  I love that these are the perfect size for lunch boxes and I will be putting them in when the boys go to football training during the holidays (they have school dinners normally).

They also count as one of the boys five a day (which is great if you struggle to get fruit and veg in to your kids).

mini magic

We were set the “hovering water” trick below:

We have practiced, practiced and better practiced and this is our video!

As you can see we ended up very wet! However, take a look at Nia from the Ana Mum Diaries performing her trick really well!

We might not have succeeded…………………. yet, but we are having lots of fun trying.

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