Mompreneurs: here's how to start a side hustle... | Mum In The Madhouse

Mompreneurs: here’s how to start a side hustle…

It’s easy to think that motherhood and entrepreneurship are mutually exclusive. And never the two shall meet. However, more mothers than ever before are looking into and successfully launching side hustles in order to bring in more income for their household, because they have a passion for business or simply because they want to reclaim some of their identity and start an exciting new chapter in their lives.

While the idea of juggling motherhood and all the demands of a growing business can seem overwhelming on paper, starting a side hustle with a baby on your hip and children around your feet is much more attainable than you think. Want to know more? In this post, we’ll explore how budding mompreneurs can start their own side hustle. 

Start With the Right Idea

While it’s easy to get ahead of yourself and eager to jump straight into running a business, all entrepreneurs must go through a meticulous planning stage that involves finding the right business idea, conducting research and working out their finances. Coming up with the right business idea could be as easy as monetising your favourite hobbies or skills, such as digital design, handmade crafts, party planning, teaching and tutoring – even childcare!

Once you have the right idea in mind, it’s time to research. Finding out what you need to break into the industry and what your local competition is like can put you in a strong position and save you a lot of time later on – something which all moms will be grateful for!

Manage Your Time Better

Ok, so moms are usually on the ball with time management. Whether it’s the school run, knowing when the washing machine cycle is due to finish, to setting off to a Dr’s appointment at exactly the right moment. However, throwing the demands of a business into the mix can take a little getting used to and could throw off your time-centric groove. Get into the habit of making (flexible) schedules and work out when you’re best suited to work on your business, this could be early morning before the kids get up, when they’re at school, or on an evening when they’re asleep.

Get Your Finances in Order

You don’t need a huge investment to get your business off the ground, even a few savings here and monthly savings there can all go towards funding your business idea and getting the ball rolling. Don’t be put off by those who think you won’t make it, work out your business budget early on and start to make allowances, the better you handle your finances the more control you’ll have over your success and progress.

Look After Yourself

Moms are often stretched without throwing a side hustle into the mix. So, if you’re planning on launching your own business whilst juggling your parental responsibilities, you need to be wary of burnout and neglecting yourself. Don’t be afraid to say no from time to time and (although it’s difficult for moms) put yourself first!

Final Thoughts…

With the right attitude and support, anything is possible! If you’re a mompreneur consider the points above to turn your business dreams into a reality.