seasonal | Mum In The Madhouse

Search Results for: seasonal

Win a Forestry Commission Discovery Pass

I am a huge advocate of free range parenting and natural play. One of the ways I encourage this is by taking the boys to our local woods and also to Dalby Forest, which we are ambassadors for.

I want them to learn that they can climb trees, roll in leaves and use natures playgroup. I want them to learn all about unstructured play. I want to encourage them to build dens and look out for nature. In short I want them to have balance in their lives, I want them to have a natural childhood along with the technology that pervades their lives.

I am sure that I am not the only parent that feels this way. If so then this giveaway is perfect for you.

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Valentines Wreath

No how to on this post, as it was very straight forward, although I do wish I had been able to get red bells, instead of painting them and spraying them with matt clear sealer.

This wreath was inspired by a Christmas decoration I had seen at Salisbury’s and took a photo of. I used two thicknesses of florists wire, a think one to form the hear and then a thinner one to connect all the bells. The ribbon is red gingham from my stash. I have popped in on the front door, but instead of just hooking over the hanger, I have wrapped it round it. MadDad was concerned that it would jingle in the wind and bother us, but the only time it makes a noise is when the door is opened and closed.

When I take this one down I will be replacing it with an Easter one.

If you have made a wreath I would love to see it.

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Winter Manifesto

We have had a fantastic, but flu ridden Christmas in The Mad House. Many of you that follow me on Instragram will already know this. It started with Maxi on 23rd and then went through the house. I was taking lots of precautions, but eventually it caught up with me big style and I am the one suffering now and typically MadDad has just returned to work.

I am not a fan of New Years resolutions, but I do a seasonal manifesto and have done for over a year now and I realised that I had missed my winter one out. I guess I was far too busy enjoying the build up to Christmas. I have really enjoyed all the crafting, making and baking that took place and I feel that it might have kick started my creative side again.

Make a seasonal Wreath. I have ideas already for the January and February (valentines) ones.
Get back to using my SAD lamp. I had to take a break due to the eye surgery.
Speaking of eye surgery, it went really well. I have a slight issue with a lose fiber in my right eye, but I am kicking myself as to why I didn’t have it done sooner. so I am going to endeavor to make more of my eyes and try to wear a little bit of eye make up.
I WILL make a start on Mini’s quilt.
I am also going to join a weekly craft group locally and have looked in to joining a local WI, so am going to pluck up the courage to attend.
I am also going to turn the camera off auto more and will be attending a lesson with Cass from Frugal Family.
My main focus this year will be to continue choosing joy and focusing on doing one thing everyday and doing it right.

I am delighted to say that my Choose Joy post has been featured at the Tots100 as one of their posts of 2012 and having read through the others, there are some great posts, so if you want to be inspired by some of the fantastic blog posts and bloggers out there, then grab a coffee and what is left of the quality street and take a read though the others.

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