My top tips for Saving Money on your Shopping | Mum In The Madhouse

My top tips for Saving Money on your Shopping

Shopping, is it a necessary evil or something you enjoy? I have to admit that I LOVE to shop, but more than that, I love to shop well. I like to know that I have got the best deal I could but with two tween boys, most of my shopping is done online these days.  It is quicker, there are no boys moaning and I can compare prices and find the best deal for me.  So I have teamed up with MyVoucherCodes to share with you my top tips for saving money on your shopping as part of their #SavvySquad.

My top tips for Saving Money on your Shopping

5 Top tips for Saving Money on your Shopping

I want to raise my children to be money smart and one of the ways I do that is by including them in decisions about spending.  So when we are looking at purchasing them something then I get them involved and this is my biggest tip for you.  Talk about money. Do not be embarrassed by it. By being comfortable with money you are encouraging your children to be able to control their financial future and save on everyday essentials.

Do you need it or do you want it? Figuring this out helps me understand what I truly can afford and once I have paid for all the things I need and if I have money left for the wants then that is OK!

Stop being a marketers dream.  This is much harder said than done.  Companies pay for advertising as it works.  So how do you become a more discerning consumer? For me, I try to research what I buy and not be spontaneous in my spending.

Plan your spending. There are things that I know we need year in year out, so I try to plan this spending for times when there are sales of voucher codes available.  For example, I always get the boys’ school clothes when there is 25% off before the summer holidays.  If we need a big ticket item then we aim to buy it on Black Friday or in the January Sales.

Always take 5 minutes to check prices and check MyVoucherCodes to see how much extra you can save.

Are you a savvy shopper? I would love to know your tips for saving on your shopping.


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